Saturday, April 3, 2010

Home » » :: Tips, makes Windows XP more powerfull

:: Tips, makes Windows XP more powerfull

1. Empty the Windows Prefetch folder every two months or more. Windows XP can "prefetch" portions of data and applications that are frequently used. This tips makes the process visible load faster when called by the user. The prefetch folder may become overloaded reference files and applications are no longer used. When that happens, Windows XP will be a waste of time and slows system performance, with pre-load them. Nothing is important in this folder, and all its content is safe to delete.

2. Remove any unnecessary programs or do not use the Add / Remove Programs Control Panel section.

3. Run the disk cleanup every a month. Here's tips: double-click the My Computer icon. Then right click on drive C: and select properties. click the Disk Cleanup button - it's just to the right of the capacity pie graph - and delete all temporary files.

4. Ensure that Windows XP uses the NTFS file system. I highly recommend using NTFS for superior security, reliability, and efficiency with larger disk drives.

5. To reduce system boot times and increase system performance, use the defragmentation - built-in Windows. Defragmenter works well.

6. Delete all spyware from your computer. Use the free program SpywareBlaster by javacool, SpyBot Search & Destroy or Super AntiSpyware. Once the program is installed, be sure to check and download updates before starting your search. Finding something good programs can be removed safely. Any free software that requires spyware to run will no longer function after the spyware portion has been removed.

7. At least once a year, clean your computer of all dust and dirt. Also inspect the motherboard capacitors bulging or leaking. For more information about the phenomenon of leaky capacitors, you can search on google.

8. May also change your computer RAM minimum 1 GB of RAM though actually not too significant for the activity of the browser, but the minimum XP a little more powerfull

1 comment:

  1. Hi.. can you post about linux, thank you


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